Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Senior Sweats!

It will say EST. 98 99 or 00

It will all be one color on the back.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Algebra This Short Week!

Here is a video to help refresh our memory!

Our test is on December 8, 2016.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Geometry Test this Week in Chapter 2!

Review for Chapter 2 Test
2.1: Inductive Reasoning
2.2: If and Then Statements
2.3: Deductive Reasoning
2.6: Verifying Angle Relationships

You are given a statement. Determine if the conjecture is true or false; if false, provide a counterexample.
  1. G: A, B and C are not colinear. C: B is the midpoint of AC.
  2. G: X, Y, Z and A are the only vertices of a polygon. C: The polygon has four sides.
  3. G: Angle 1 and angle 2 form a linear pair. C: <1 180="" degrees.="" font="">

Translate the following into if - then form.
     4. The intersection of two planes is a line.

     5. Clintondale High School has a principal named Mrs. Cargill.

     6. Rick Synder is the governor of Michigan.

Rewrite each aforementioned sentence into the specified conditional statement.
    7. (Contrapositive) ___________________________________________________________________________
    8. (Inverse) ___________________________________________________________________________
    9. (Converse)

Use the Law of Detachment to determine if the statements are valid,invalid or fill in the blank to make valid.
     10. If a person is a celebrity, then that person is famous.
          Justin Bieber is a celebrity. Justin Escalante is famous.

    11. If a car has gas in the tank, then that car will emit carbon emissions.
         A Volkswagon has gas in the tank. The Volkswagon will emit carbon emissions.

    12. If the president of the neighborhood association is a veteran, then that person can go to the      VA hospital for treatment. President Scarsdale of Pickney Neighborhood served in Iraq. ______________________________________________________________________________

Use the Law of Syllogism to determine if the statements are invalid or fill in the blank to make valid.
    13. The sun is a star. Stars are in constant motion. ______________________________________________________________________________

    14. The principal of CMS is Ira Hamden. The vice principal of CMS is Tim Baldwin. ______________________________________________________________________________

    15. Cops were academy trainees. Trainees had to endure physical endurance. ______________________________________________________________________________

    16. “Supermoon” was a spectacular event. Spectacular events are apart of recorded history. ______________________________________________________________________________

    17. CHS has many organizations for students. There are many organizations is public schools. ______________________________________________________________________________

For each statement, it is always true, sometimes true, or never true.
18. Two angles that are congruent are ________ complementary to the same angle.
19. Two angles that are vertical are _________ nonadjacent.
20. Two angles that form a right angle are __________ complementary.
21. Vertical angles are ________ supplementary.
22. Angles with a common side and a common vertex __________ form a linear pair.

*Looking at the above picture, if angle one equals angle two, what can you say about the sum of angle two and angle three?

Algebra Extra Credit due on Friday!

Here is an Algebra type problem. Use your knowledge of constructing statements into linear equations to help you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

This Week in Algebra! This Week in Geometry!

In ALGEBRA, the day after Election Day, we will be going over Double Step Linear Equations. Here is a video about solving Double Step Linear Equations:

Later I will post some pictures of work we are doing.

In GEOMETRY, the day after Election Day, we will finish solving the Murder Mystery after reviewing Law of Syllogism and continue discussion of Angle Relationships, using Geogebra.