Thursday, November 29, 2018

This Week and Next Week!!

Geometry Students ... We are covering Inductive and Deductive Reasoning.

Inductive Reasoning is defined as 'based on the given evidence, one can conclude ...'

If a person is the president, then that person is commander and chief of the army.
Justin Trudeau is president of Canada. Justin Trudeau is commander and chief of the army.

Deductive Reasoning is defined as 'based on a situation, one can conclude that ....; based on that conclusion, one can also conclude that ...., and so on.'

If a person is a teacher, then that person creates tests. If a person creates tests, than that person grades those tests.

Mr. Wade is a teacher. Mr. Wade grades tests.

We also will be discussing counterexamples, murder cases and work on a comic project. The rubric will be posted online; it will be due after break.

Honors Geometry Students ... We are discussing Parallel Lines and Transversals. There are several theorems involved with parallel lines and transversals: SSIAT, CAT, AEAT and AIAT.

I will post student work tomorrow. The next assessment is a test on Dec 15; it might be a group test - the groups are of my choosing.

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